Our Vision

An open IoT,
for the freedom of manufacturing innovation.

Build the entire production site in a digital space to
visualize all of the problems in real time, to find solutions.
For such tomorrow's manufacturing, we need an open IoT
where diverse machines can freely coordinate data without any restriction.

Edgecross Consortium is striving for the development of IoT,
using "open" as the key.

Edgecross Consortium is a nonprofit organization of a gathers the world's most technologically advanced companies, to cross the industrial boundary of FA and IT.
We work for the development of IoT and the entire world of industry by evolving and popularizing Edgecross, an open platform in the area of edge computing.

For realization Society 5.0,
a society where anyone can enjoy an affluent life.

Japan Government is striving for realization of Society 5.0. Supporting this policy is also an important task for Consortium.
Join us to looking forward an open IoT to make a new future together to expand your business.

About Joining Consortium

What are Edgecross solutions?

So, please take a look how the open platform, "Edgecross",
will change the world of manufacturing.

